Friday, May 27, 2011

7 ways you CAN live a life of purpose and love! (Believe that you are the architect of your destiny!)

You have a bright idea hidden somewhere in the back of your mind that you just can't wait to test out.

The question is, do you really want to bring it out into the light? What could motivate you to churn your creative, inspiring juices to their utmost flavor?

Did you know that it always helps to set a time limit to your personal goals?

Set yourself up so you can accomplish the most tasks in record time. For example, mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on TV. A correct and positive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier, and even enjoyable.

It's simple. If you begin to allow yourself a bit of positive thinking then you will begin to realize things that you never thought possible.

Discover some tips to make it through your first week of possibility thinking even if you're just sitting in your favorite couch. Your mind is constantly at work for you. Tap into it's great resource while doing everyday activities.

1. Love. Commit to yourself.

Then commit to those you love to powerfully create a life you can love. Instead of reacting, commit to creating from your heart and soul, out of love rather than fear. The American Dream will always be there, but a dream will still be a dream without motion. Be amazed as the transformation begins.

2. Act.

You must take passionate action towards living your life by design.

Talk is cheap. Action = deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. My mother (probably quoting someone else) always said, "Action speaks louder than words". Without action, passion is void.

Dreams become reality when you simply start by tinkering with your mind, then with your hands. And if the idea weakens or falters you can always go back to it later until you finish it. Thomas Edison and his Dream Team had to go back to the idea of a light bulb and recalculate it over 1,000 times before the first working light bulb begin to light the world.

3. Be grateful.

Dwell completely in a place of gratitude. Learn to utilize what you have in your hands and make use of it in the most constructive way. Necessity is the mother of invention. Have you ever been stuck without something you needed and had to make do with something else?

How grateful were you that you had the means to solve your situation? Slipping into neediness will become less of a habit when you repeatedly shift towards gratitude and away from poverty consciousness.

4. Live. Embrace moments and opportunities.

Recognize and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome.

Every time you hit on something that may appear too extreme why not give it a shot anyway. See if it will work. You may be surprised with the results.

If you are not then decide to use that moment to learn from it and make the appropriate shift. Learning and growing from mistakes and failures is a part of living.

5. Be Passionate.

Use a Passion Formula of 'recognize, re-evaluate, restore' in place of the Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda whirlwind. The former is based on increased knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack.

As you face people or tasks that may seem harder than scaling the summit of the Himalayas, allow yourself to realize that the task is just as important as giving out orders to your subordinates. You would rather be richly passionate!

6. Laugh.

Keep humor at the forefront of thought, laughing at and with yourself whenever possible. You may find yourself quite entertaining when you loosen up! I have yet to see a comedian ever go hungry even though his jokes are as 'old as great-grandma'.

7. Discover Your Purpose.

Believe that you are the architect of your destiny. Realizing how you wish to be remembered when you pass from this life is a truly driving force. Your purpose for being can be a seemingly simple as being a great parent to as elaborate as discovering miraculous cures.

When you have a strong purpose no one can take your passionate future from you except for you! Truly, as long as there's still breath in your body, there is no end to how much you can accomplish in a lifetime.

Discovering and following your purpose will enable you to enjoy your work.

Celebrate in the discovery that acting on your creative mind's thoughts is fulfilling your purpose.

Do you sincerely wish you can sit back, and watch everything flow into place with perfect, passionate precision??? Now you can! Learn all the secrets and techniques used by the secret masters!!! Check out these awesome rare resources today!


"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!"
I am bored! Feeling bored? Find out what you can do on your lonely weekends!(tons of weird, crazy, fun ideas!!!)
"Want to know what your future has in store for you? Want to your own Destiny? Get your FREE insightful Destiny Reports!"
"How to Retire At Whatever Your Age!" - An amazing course! Highly recommended!
How to save a Relationship! (PROVEN methods, works for all men and women!)
"What Men Want!" - What men want you to know, secrets he will never, ever tell you in your face!
"What Women Want" - Get insider peek into her mind and heart!
"FREE Book for you! - 101 Amazing Ways to Say I Love You! (Value $47)" (scroll down the site for instructions to get access to contents in the book!)
"How to make anyone fall in love with you!" - Attract your Mr/Mrs Right TODAY!
"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!" - No more headaches to finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones, give them something that will MOVE them to tears!
"Find out your Biorhythms online!"
"Have a pressing question or doubt? Want some wise advice fast?Ask the I Ching for advice!"
"What's the best decision to make? Get your FREE Rune Readings!"
"Get your FREE Taort Readings! Know what your future has in store for you! Know what is the BEST decision to make!"
"Which lover or friend is the best one for you? Check your love compatibility!"
"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!"
"Get more fun, creative, cute and AWESOME iphone apps on your device! Awesome iphone app reviews, ipad app reviews andandriod app reviews that get you more creative, inspiring and fun apps!
Feeling lonely
? Find out what you can do on your lonely weeks!(tons of weird, crazy, fun ideas!!!)

Get creative! You can get your thinking out of its ruts!!! (3 amazing ways to let ideas come to you naturally!)

How can one be more creative???

First, exercise your basic imagination. It can be as simple as thinking in pictures more, or listening to music in your mind.

Play little "movies" in your mind, until you can watch them on command. This is a simple process, but for those of us that can't easily do it naturally, it can take a lot of practice. Fortunately, it is not an unpleasant activity.

The second part of developing your creative imagination is to get more creative in your thinking and imagining. Start by paying attention to your creativity. Our subconscious minds give us more of what we pay attention to.

Ignore creative aspects of your life, and you're telling your subconscious they are unimportant. On the other hand, if you note when you're creative, your subconscious mind will start feeding you more creative ideas.

Different surroundings can also encourage your creativity.

Want more creativity in your love life? Hike up a mountain with your partner.

Do you write? Try sitting on a roof to write.

Want new ideas for your business? Take a notebook to the park and sit by the duck pond.

A change of environment can get your thinking out of it's ruts.

You can play games that exercise your creative imagination. One such game uses a technique called "concept combination." Alone or with other players, you combine random concepts or things in new ways, to see who has the best idea.

A thermometer and a billboard, for example, could generate an idea for a sign that checks the weather and adjusts the message accordingly ("Come in out of the heat for a cold beverage," or "Come in out of the rain and warm up with our gourmet coffee.").

Creative inspiration certainly can strike at any time, but it strikes more often when there is work instead of waiting. So if you want to come up with creative inventions, start mentally redesigning everything you see.

Imagine a better bicycle, a faster mail service, or a better chair. Continue this for three weeks, and it will become a habit.

Of course, creative imagination goes beyond solving specific problems or inventing things. Truly creative minds are always coming up with the questions too, not just the solutions.

If you want to be more creative all the time, here are 3 useful tips!

1. Changing your perspective.

A child might think that working just to not work (to retire) is silly. Thinking from that perspective might give you ideas for how to make money doing things you enjoy.

Seeing the world as a bear sees it might give a painter imaginative new ideas. Looking at things from a customer's perspective is a sure way to find creative improvements for a business. See everything from several perspectives.

2. Challenging your assumptions.

What if restaurants didn't have employees? Visitors pay a machine as they enter, feed themselves at a buffet, and everything is as automated as possible, so one owner-operator could run a large restaurant alone.

Challenge all your assumptions for practice. Do you really have to pay rent? Do swimming pools need water? Can exercise be a bad thing?

3. Let your ideas run wild.

Does a flying bed seem silly? It could lead to the concept of a helium mattress. When you get off it in the morning, it floats out of the way, up to the ceiling. Perfect for small apartments.

Don't stifle your creativity. Relax, and let ideas come. You can always discard them later.

For these techniques to be a habitual part of your thinking, use them regularly. Since it takes several weeks to develop a habit, remind yourself to use them each day.

Jot a few of your favorite techniques on a card and carry it with you. Look it over throughout the day and apply the techniques to anything.

Soon, you'll have a more creative imagination.


"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!"
I am bored! Feeling lonely? Find out what you can do on your lonely weekends!(tons of weird, crazy, fun ideas!!!)
"Want to know what your future has in store for you? Want to your own Destiny? Get your FREE insightful Destiny Reports!"
"How to Retire At Whatever Your Age!" - An amazing course! Highly recommended!
How to save a Relationship! (PROVEN methods, works for all men and women!)
"What Men Want!" - What men want you to know, secrets he will never, ever tell you in your face!
"What Women Want" - Get insider peek into her mind and heart!
"FREE Book for you! - 101 Amazing Ways to Say I Love You! (Value $47)" (scroll down the site for instructions to get access to contents in the book!)
"How to make anyone fall in love with you!" - Attract your Mr/Mrs Right TODAY!
"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!" - No more headaches to finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones, give them something that will MOVE them to tears!
"Find out your Biorhythms online!"
"Have a pressing question or doubt? Want some wise advice fast?Ask the I Ching for advice!"
"What's the best decision to make? Get your FREE Rune Readings!"
"Get your FREE Taort Readings! Know what your future has in store for you! Know what is the BEST decision to make!"
"Which lover or friend is the best one for you? Check your love compatibility!"
"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!"
"Get more fun, creative, cute and AWESOME iphone apps on your device! Awesome iphone app reviews, ipad app reviews and andriod app reviews that get you more creative, inspiring and fun apps!
Feeling lonely
? Find out what you can do on your lonely weeks!(tons of weird, crazy, fun ideas!!!)

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Happy Mother's Day! Make this amazing Tree of Life for your mommy!

Happy Mother's Day 2011 to all mommy out there! :)

There is nowhere in my environment where there is not something beautiful to look at, both inside and outside in nature. When I walk through my home and the land around it, my heart fills with awe and love as I appreciate the beauty around me.

However, truth is, many people do not open to beauty nor create beauty around them.

In working with some of my clients struggling to keep their heart open, I’ve mentioned focusing on an object of beauty, and have been surprised to find that many of them have no beauty around them - no plants, flowers, works of art or objects of nature. Many of the friends or people I know are always talking about making money and more money, or else their topics will be focusing on solving problems they have had with their in-laws, with their children, with their lovers or spouse!

When they look around they see walls, appliances, computers and other buildings. Their left brain functions just fine in this environment.

BUT what about the right - the creative, intuitive, spiritually-connected aspect?

I want to encourage everyone who reads this to consider feeding your soul with beauty and gratitude. Awesome-ness in your everyday life do not come to you just because you wish them to come.

It comes to you because you were looking out for all the awesome things in your life!

There is nothing like awe and gratitude for something beautiful to open the heart to gratitude in
general. If you can love the intricate design in the bark of a tree, or the vibrancy of a flower, or the balance of a beautifully thrown piece of pottery - that might lead you into loving and appreciating the beauty of you and your own soul.

It might open you to feeling gratitude for your life and the sacred privilege of experiencing your
journey on this planet.

How much of your thinking time is spent being upset or unhappy about something? What if all
that time was spent in gratitude for what you have and for the beauty around you?

What if you were present enough in this moment to revel in the fact that you can turn on a faucet and have hot water come out? That you have food to eat and a bed to sleep on? If you are reading this, it is likely that you have a computer, which means you have more than most of the people on this planet.

With the help of this cool iphone/ipad app, try this little experiment: if you wish for a life filled with genuine unconditional love and happiness, send this Tree filled with lots of lovely hearts to a friend. If you wish for a life filled with good fortune or abundance, send this Tree filled up with lots of glittering STARS and mystic coins to a friend.

Send a Tree everyday for the rest of 60 days. Watch your life changed.

You can download and install this game app here. It works on iphone, ipod touch and ipad!

Open to gratitude and the awesome-ness of everyday life, thanking God for this experience of beauty and peace.

What would life be like if you spent more moments like this, in the present with beauty and with all you have?


"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!"
How to deal with Loneliness
Feeling lonely? Find out what you can do on your lonely weekends!(tons of weird, crazy, fun ideas!!!)
"Want to know what your future has in store for you? Want to your own Destiny? Get your FREE insightful Destiny Reports!"
"How to Retire At Whatever Your Age!" - An amazing course! Highly recommended!
How to save a Relationship! (PROVEN methods, works for all men and women!)
"What Men Want!" - What men want you to know, secrets he will never, ever tell you in your face!
"What Women Want" - Get insider peek into her mind and heart!
"FREE Book for you! - 101 Amazing Ways to Say I Love You! (Value $47)" (scroll down the site for instructions to get access to contents in the book!)
"How to make anyone fall in love with you!" - Attract your Mr/Mrs Right TODAY!
"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!" - No more headaches to finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones, give them something that will MOVE them to tears!
"Find out your Biorhythms online!"
"Have a pressing question or doubt? Want some wise advice fast?Ask the I Ching for advice!"
"What's the best decision to make? Get your FREE Rune Readings!"
"Get your FREE Taort Readings! Know what your future has in store for you! Know what is the BEST decision to make!"
"Which lover or friend is the best one for you? Check your love compatibility!"
"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!"
How to deal with Loneliness
Feeling lonely? Find out what you can do on your lonely weekends!(tons of weird, crazy, fun ideas!!!)

Become a miracle maker: the universe is always giving you that which you "believe" you deserve, not that which you desire!

The universe is nothing but a big bowl of energy. Energy that attracts and repels. That is how dreams are either manifested or avoided. To better illustrate this concept, imagine carrying a walkie talkie.

Al though two people can be miles and miles apart, they can still talk to each other. How can that be, since there is no connection between one another? The illusion is that they are separated, however, the truth is, they are still connected invisibly by a stream of energy.

Depending on the strength of the frequency, the louder and clear they can communicate with one another. That is assuming that both are communicating on the same channel. Life operates the same way. When we have a desire, we are sending a frequency to the universe, and the universe response to us immediately.

Most people would argue that their requests are not being granted. The truth is, that each request is always granted, what they don't seem to understand is that their request is either not clear, or that they may be operating on a different channel, or frequency. You may ask, how could that be? Simple.

On a conscious level we send our request. On a unconscious level we decide which channel we are communicating on. For example, "more money" might be set on channel 3. So consciously people would be broadcasting, "I desire more money." The challenge is, they are broadcasting it on channel 5.

That being the case, what governs the channels unconsciously? Our beliefs. The universe is always giving you that which you "believe" you deserve, not that which you desire.

When what you desire and what you believe are the same, the universe will manifested it immediately? Why, because all you need to do is ask, and you shall receive.

So how do we change our channels unconsciously so that it will match our request? The same way we created them. We created our beliefs by using life experiences that we attached a meaning to.

For example, we asked someone to dance and the person said no. The truth, is, there are many reasons why that person said no. It could be that he had a partner, or that he was shy. Who knows, he may really wanted to dance with you but was embarrassed.

Notice that the reasons had nothing to do with you. However, most people take things personally or just add their own story.

In this case, since the person might have felt rejected, he might have thought that there was something wrong with him. And since the feeling was not pleasant, the person uses that as a reference point which stops him for asking someone else to dance.

So later on, he wants a loving relationship which can be broadcast on channel 7, however, his beliefs operates on channel 2 which avoids relationships for fear of being hurt.

So to change that belief the person would need to change the channel to let's say 4 which might be, "giving a chance to just meet someone." Once they see how the universe brings someone into their space, use that as reference for future request.

That way a new belief is being cultivated so in the future, that person is operating on a frequency that is more consistent with the frequency he is broadcasting consciously.

That is why the rich gets richer because once they have attuned themselves to the frequency of abundance, they simple keep attracting more of that abundance which solidify their belief.

It becomes a never ending cycle.

I have just began to use an awesome little app that I can post to myself everyday. It allows you to create a glittering and beautiful Tree of Life that is filled up with abundance and gold!

Download and install this iphone/ipad app here.

Post a Tree of Life to yourself every day for the rest of 60 days and see your life changed! Post this Tree of Life filled with love, abundance and gold to a friend every day too!

I have just finished compiling the 3rd set of my RARE BOOKS! Check them out here and get for yourself a copy if you have not done so. Gift a friend too! :-)


"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!"
How to deal with Loneliness
Feeling lonely? Find out what you can do on your lonely weekends!(tons of weird, crazy, fun ideas!!!)
"Want to know what your future has in store for you? Want to your own Destiny? Get your FREE insightful Destiny Reports!"
"How to Retire At Whatever Your Age!" - An amazing course! Highly recommended!
How to save a Relationship! (PROVEN methods, works for all men and women!)
"What Men Want!" - What men want you to know, secrets he will never, ever tell you in your face!
"What Women Want" - Get insider peek into her mind and heart!
"FREE Book for you! - 101 Amazing Ways to Say I Love You! (Value $47)" (scroll down the site for instructions to get access to contents in the book!)
"How to make anyone fall in love with you!" - Attract your Mr/Mrs Right TODAY!
"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!" - No more headaches to finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones, give them something that will MOVE them to tears!
"Find out your Biorhythms online!"
"Have a pressing question or doubt? Want some wise advice fast?Ask the I Ching for advice!"
"What's the best decision to make? Get your FREE Rune Readings!"
"Get your FREE Taort Readings! Know what your future has in store for you! Know what is the BEST decision to make!"
"Which lover or friend is the best one for you? Check your love compatibility!"
"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!"
How to deal with Loneliness
Feeling lonely? Find out what you can do on your lonely weekends!(tons of weird, crazy, fun ideas!!!)

There is power in your smile! (and a powerful lesson!)

There is power in the smile, you see.

It’s as though that instant someone waved a wand and all the drudgery disappeared. You suddenly feel warm and responsive and the person who offered you a smile has just gone from a stranger to be wary of to a kindred spirit.

Sometimes a conversation is started and now the mundane drudgery has actually become an enjoyable experience. You no longer feel frustrated and rushed and in spite of yourself and enjoying yourself. The world is now warm and fuzzy instead of cold, fearful and bitter.

I do not mean to imply that giving and receiving a smile is the solution to the world’s problems, but it is a very good place to start. We all need to feel that sense of belonging.

We are after all members of the same human family. We should feel moved to embrace each other in our hearts and minds.

So go ahead and smile. I dare you. But be careful. You might find the world a friendlier place to live. You might find that people are warm and kind and appreciative. Your smile might just make their day.

A powerful lesson that I'm always learning and never stop learning:

"If there is something you want very much in Life, you have to give it away!"

I didn't believe in this in the first place. How could it be possible I have to give away whatever I wanted very much in life? However, the older I get, the more I begin to see this universal principle working its power in my own life and in everyone around me.


"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!"
How to deal with Loneliness
Feeling lonely? Find out what you can do on your lonely weekends!(tons of weird, crazy, fun ideas!!!)
"Want to know what your future has in store for you? Want to your own Destiny? Get your FREE insightful Destiny Reports!"
"How to Retire At Whatever Your Age!" - An amazing course! Highly recommended!
How to save a Relationship! (PROVEN methods, works for all men and women!)
"What Men Want!" - What men want you to know, secrets he will never, ever tell you in your face!
"What Women Want" - Get insider peek into her mind and heart!
"FREE Book for you! - 101 Amazing Ways to Say I Love You! (Value $47)" (scroll down the site for instructions to get access to contents in the book!)
"How to make anyone fall in love with you!" - Attract your Mr/Mrs Right TODAY!
"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!" - No more headaches to finding the perfect gifts for your loved ones, give them something that will MOVE them to tears!
"Find out your Biorhythms online!"
"Have a pressing question or doubt? Want some wise advice fast?Ask the I Ching for advice!"
"What's the best decision to make? Get your FREE Rune Readings!"
"Get your FREE Taort Readings! Know what your future has in store for you! Know what is the BEST decision to make!"
"Which lover or friend is the best one for you? Check your love compatibility!"
"Give a gift of inspiration to all your friends, family members and lover!"
How to deal with Loneliness
Feeling lonely? Find out what you can do on your lonely weekends!(tons of weird, crazy, fun ideas!!!)